Water Works Department

Water Supply / Sewage Treatment :

  • Supply of clean drinking water in parks and water supply for individual and commercial purpose.
  • Maintenance, running and repair of Jalkal Department, water supply etc.
  • Public water points.
  • New Water Connections.

Within 15 days from the date of applying for new water connection, the body informs about the sum to be deposited and on depositing the said calculated amount, within 3 days, the new water connection is allotted.

Few works which have been a reason for public nuisance and which need to be penalized on complaining are :

  • Misuse of fire bridages.
  • Unauthorised use of water connections.
  • Unauthorised use of water, i.e. changes in its use.
  • Unauthorised construction of water tanks at houses.
  • Use of booster pump.

Maintenance of Water Clearance Works :

  • Repair and maintenance of drains.
  • Construction of drains.

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